Saturday, April 26, 2008

World Day of Prayer for Zimbabwe--April 27th

The church leaders of Zimbabwe have collectively shared that they believe that they are on the verge of a genocide. They have called out to the world to stand with them in prayer on this Sunday, April 27th. Here is the link to learn more about it.

If you have ever prayed a prayer, please say one on this day as Zimbabwe is descending into utter madness and a clear human rights disaster. The goal is to have "a continual, strong stream of prayer and supplication flow up to the Lord on behalf of all the people on this Day of Prayer, exhorting His divine intervention throughout the nation."

As you may already know, the media is not reporting the extent of the atrocities that are happening now. Here is a link to a very honest and disturbing letter forwarded to me. It is written by a man in Zimbabwe (whose name has been removed for security reasons) and clearly spells out the danger and chaos that they are facing now: houses being plowed and burned down, thousands of people sleeping homeless outside, no media allowed to document this destruction, organized torture tactics being spread throughout the county to discourage those who would vote or did vote for the opposition government. After reading it, I believe your heart will moved to do something!

First, one of the most powerful things that you can do is join us in prayer on Sunday, April 27th, World Day of Prayer for Zimbabwe

Secondly, remember that just $10 will feed one "family" (made up of mostly orphans and widows) for one month and you can fill that need. %100 of your money will be used to supply food to a hungry family.

To fill the need by making a tax deductible donation, please contact me at

Most sincerely,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

will be praying today.